I've spent time coming up with concepts for youth curriculum videos. Lucas had three major general conference talks to create videos for. My process has been the following:
- Read and listen to the talk.
- Put everything on paper that I can possible think of.
- Listen to the talk again.
- Come up with a proposal.
- Present it to a couple of other producers to get their feedback.
- Revise.
- Review and revise.
- Finalize.
- Pitch the idea in the meeting.
For one particular video, I have come up with four or five proposals (each having multiple variations). Writing is harder than you think! I have pitched or sent my proposals to the leaders in charge of approving them.
Finally, I have started to write screenplays for them. I use a software called Celtx, which I love and started using at Davis High School back when the software was free. I'm so glad Mrs. Greenwood suggested it for her students. Luckily, I have retained my free subscription. I do not believe it is free any longer.
Anyway, to make a long story short, writing is harder than I thought. I have found when I put all my thinking power into something and then take a break, that's when the good ideas come. I have also discovered that making writing a collaborative effort and getting feedback only improves your story! I am thinking of more creative ways to tell the story. Think about showing your audience, not telling them!
The End.