Monday, November 17, 2014

Student Film

It was really fun to help my friend Jackson Daneluk on student project he is producing. The script is really intriguing and thought provoking. He actually used an old film camera. No battery powered digital cameras this time. It was fun to see how that worked. Slowly I've been learning more and more about cinematography from him: aperture, focus, filters, light color, and intensity, etc. It's all been fantastic. I enjoy helping my friends and I hope his project turns out well!

They Changed My Title!

Looking through my deal memos (work contracts for the Media Services Department The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints), I noticed that a couple of them listed me as "Post Production Editor." It's crazy! Most of my time spent working for the Media Services Department these days has been spent editing. I love it!

The following is a list of things I have worked on as an editor lately: A video about a mission president in Hawaii, a video about LDS Philanthropies, a video about Catholic Nuns, a video about Peter the Apostle, and a series of video about working the Church different departments. These videos have been for BYU-Hawaii, the Mormon Channel, Faith Counts, and the HR Department of the Church. I've also been able to work under a lot of amazing producers and I've edited on Final Cut Pro X and Premiere Pro CC. It's been a fun last month!